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“Though she be but little, she is fierce.” Shakespeare



Group Fitness Instructor and Person Trainer focusing on Yoga, Cardio, HIIT, Boxing, and Resistance Bands

Instagram: @andreapetersonfitness | Youtube: AndreaPetersonFitness

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I have always been an athlete. I spent many years dancing across the stage studying Classical Ballet, played Basketball in high school obsessed with the ball-handling skills of the Globetrotters, fell in love with Lacrosse in college (even coaching for a couple of years), found my way to Boxing thankfully to an acting opportunity, learned how to ski simply by asking myself where I wanted to go and the answer was always down, and of course yoga, which brought me to teaching fitness. I fell in love with it as not only a full-body exercise but a mental lifestyle adjustment as well. 

My yoga practice stems from Sthira Sukam; the balance of effort and ease. I remember I took a yoga class one day and was trying so utterly hard to go to the deepest and fullest extension of the pose and my teacher pulled me out of it and helped me readjust to find a place in the pose where I was not only engaged but also peacefully receiving. I truly believe yoga is about us finding the best balanced version of ourselves physically and mentally. I even have those words tattooed on my forearm as a reminder every day I am practicing balance. 

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PBX, Boxing, HIIT, Yoga, and Meditation

O2 FitNation, HIIT

F45, HIIT and Strength

Align Studio Brooklyn, Yoga and HIIT

MPR Fitness, Resistance Band Strength

SyncStudio, Yoga and Circuit Cardio

Mountain Flow Yoga, Yoga

Westminster College Summer Song, Yoga for Performers

Pine Manor College, Lacrosse Coach